What? Where are you?
Yeah. I’ve been lax. I’ve been photographing seniors all week, and did a photo shoot for USPCA magazine. Whew! On top of my normal work load and school, I’ve not had much time for anything. This weekend we are off to the lake to recharge, so I’ll catch you on the flip side. Check the…
gotta love those upgrades!
Today seems to be one of those software upgrade days. Seems like the Apache update today was the last straw. Wouldn’t you like to be a pepper too?
A rather lazy sunday today. I spent the majority of my time working on school stuff and cleaning up after the party. Only 4 more weeks of school and I am done for this trimester. We get about a month break and then I’m back at it with 2 more classes. I am thinking an…
Happy Independence Day!
Yes, I do realize that it is one day early, but somewhere out in the atlantic it is 12am Jul 4. I got some film developed from my new camera the other day and boy was I shocked. It was a full stop (sometimes more) underexposed! Well that CERTAINLY cant be a problem with the…
This will be short!
This weekend was a blast, but boy am I sleepy. From fireworks to learning how to waterski, I made this weekend quite productive! I finished testing my new gear and hope to see some stellar results in the next couple of days. I am still trying to figure out some of the procedures with this…
Welp, we are off to the lake for Lakefest this weekend! We like to have our boating fun before the Fourth crowds. Much safer that way! This week has been interesting. Finalized a new development lab, chose an album manufacturer and revised the Catchlights price list. I hope to meet with my first bride in…
Another Monday
What a day! A day of birthdays and installs. I certainly hope someone gets drunk… Still on an install right now. Thankfully the hard stuff is done and we are just on the cleanup crew right now. Its still a whip to be here instead of beering it tho. This weekend I got to drive…
Welp, the higher poker beings were not in my pocket last night. Dumb ol’ Darin was a big winner tho! I did manage to stretch my cash out the whole night, but when we counted out there was only $0.75 in front of me. (doh). The launchers are built for Lakefest! Thats great news! Its…
One good day is better than none
When we got down here to Whitney on Friday, it rained most of the way down and we had a couple of good downpours that evening. They conveniently worsened when we were unloading the car. Yesterday was a great day. It was very beautiful and sunny. The temperature was not that bad at all and…
Capitalism… yaaay!
So I finally figured out what to use for some good counterweight on a project I am working on. Lead shot! Dense and small, I could get to some pretty decent weights fairly quickly. I called the local gun range and the guy said he sold shot, but in 5 pound boxes, $19.95 each. Ooookaaaay…..…
Seems like when it rains, it pours! I found some photography gigs that I am persuing right now and they all seem to be on the same couple of days or when we are going to be in Destin (2 months!!). Its very strange and cosmic how this tends to happen. I’ve been busting my…
welp, I’ve got the new palm in and it is bad to the bone. Thanks again Birdie! Its a bit late, yes I know. We had some friends over tonight and Chris is feeling a bit sick so I figured I’d chill in front of the computer for a few before I hit the sack…
Stupid weed..
I got so upset with this week in my back yard that I can’t get rid of yesterday. I just dug those things up, filled in the holes with some lawn soil, and reseeded. Did I find any treasure you ask? Well, I did find a green shop rag that was buried about 4 inches…
Country Boy can survive
Welp, I got to mow the in-laws lawn today with the old ’47 Ford Tractor. That was definately an interesting experience! I feel more like a real man tho now that I have done it. Right now I am doing the whole school project deal. I’m going to finish that and head over to a…
New Photo Gallery
Welp, I’ve finally got around to it. Now that I have the digital camera, and am taking lots more pictures (that are readily available for online use), I finally updated my Photo Gallery. Go check it out and see the fun we had this past weekend!
New KEG!
Welp, we killed the second keg already, and now I decided that number three should be a DosEquis Amber keg. Mmmmmtasty. I have set up a LIME station as well (you know, give the wife something to do). How exciting! Anyway, school is kicking my ass. Had to research the progress of strategic management in…
The bugs are winning today! You ever have one of those weeks where it seems like there is a vortex of digital death sitting above a company’s building? Everything seems to bomb during the week and everything that you do to fix it just seems to make things worse? Yeh. This week is our turn.…
Digital Bits
Welp, I got my Digicam today. It’s pretty dang nifty and I’ve been playing with it for about an hour just trying to learn what all the nift-o-riffic stuff does. I’m looking forward to doing some fun shots with it, and hopefully fixing my studio lighting problems. Anyway, just a quick update there as it…
Sorry for not writing very recently, its been quite busy up here. I’ve got so many things on my ToDo list, I am having problems seeing straight. It looks like a full page ad is in the works for MHS. I am going to try and get the stuff all done today, but we’ll see.…
Busy Week…
Welp, this week is more than half past and its already been a doozy, major surgery topping it off! I’ve been very busy working on getting my grips around classes for the trimester. One is going to be a killer, the other is going to be great! This past weekend we were trouncing around Oklahoma…