Happy Easter!

Not everyone celebrates this odd holiday. Odd you say? Yes odd. Bunnies & colored eggs are not the first thing I think of when I reflect on the history recorded today.

Luckily, a little research reveals that we are simply combining the secular traditions pre-dating Christ with the holiday.

Still does not make much sense.

Chris & I packed up the kiddo yesterday and the two of them first went to visit Meema. She’s doing well, but the gravity of the past week’s events has settled in. After he napped back at the house, we packed him up again and headed to Mimi & Papa’s. Food was quite good, and Garrett was surprisingly well behaved. We didn’t leave until 9. He’s already awake now, I can hear him throwing cars from his bed.

Ashley rolled her ankle again on the way out of Mimi & Papa’s. Garrett was very concerned. Ash pulled it together to get into the car, but I heard later on that her ankle was nice and blue. We hope you feel better!

Today we are packing up the kid and heading to Nono & Pop’s for an easter egg hunt with the cousins! We will still do our traditional Sunday morning breakfast @ Starbucks, but then be heading on our way. I’ll try to get some of the crossword done, but will likely have it with me while the hunt is going on. It’s 42 degrees outside right now, and only forecasted to get to the mid 50s. Not sure how long the hunt will last at those temperatures!

After that, we’ll come home for naps, and then maybe James & Erin will make an appearance. We have wine that is NOT SPOILED now! For real!

BTW, people ask what wine that has turned smells like. Just like milk, stick your nose in there and get a big snoot full. You will know.

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