Priorities in check? They are now!

Thanks Wendi! She very nicely reminded me that my car is such a minor issue in my life right now compared to the stuff I have going on. I’ll work up from least significant to most

Got my taxes prepared this morning, and its not going to be as bad as I thought. That’s a huge sigh of relief! I also am picking up the live Foundations class at UD GSM starting in the summer! That will be very exciting and will help replace the income we miss from Chris not working.

Adam & Courtney had their baby this week! He looks SO cute and I can only hope that our kid looks just as cute. His eyes were open and everything. Such a cutie

And Chris is getting VERY close! We’re expecting any time now based on what the doc said yesterday. She’s having a massage today and I know Kelly will hit those particular pressure points that help labor along. I’m certainly getting more excited as it appears there is a light at the end of the tunnel (just re-read that and realized there is a light for more than me!). I know I’m very excited to meet him. Not only that, but anyone who knows me knows that I like having a plan (even if that plan is to wing it, it’s still a plan). Right now, that is just impossible! It will be worth it, and we’re both looking forward to it.

So I want to say a special Thank You to Wendi who reminded me which things are important and allowed me to publicly adjust my priorities. Love ya!

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