Getting there!

Welp, its looking more and more like a home. Tomorrow, appliances get delivered and the are installed on Saturday. We are also heading to take some niece-related pictures on Saturday after haircuts, so it will be a tightly scheduled day. Once we get back, we are finishing the house. I’ll put up a very sad display of Christmas lights and we will do the tree.

I have word that our furniture will be delivered before Friday of next week. That is excellent news! We’ve been dying to get it all in and settled. Our nightstands are boxes at this point and all of our clothes are on shelf closets.

Oh, one thing this house has taught me is the greatness of the shelf. Man, the folks before us did quite a bit with shelving in most of their closets. We had SERIOUS closet space issues in our old house, but things are looking pretty good here. I’ve almost got my office unpacked, and once I do, I’ll have my pile of people to contact with new addresses, etc.

I also just noticed that my little office carpet protector slidy thing is not centered under my desk and I am falling off to the right. Bummer.

Oh, we heard from Jerry and he said that the new folks that bought our place do not appear to have moved in yet. Weird. Actually, what he said was he did not think they had spent the night there yet. I do know they had a couple of family related issues to tend to, so maybe moving in was put on hold. I wish them the best and the same to Jerry & Sharon, Dave & Kim, Rick & Keri, Todd & Melissa, and Brian & Toni. Oh and of course to our old house! I certainly will miss firing bottle rockets into the air only to have them awkwardly skew in a direction leading it directly towards another house. Fun times.

Anyway, I’m gonna finish this b33r and head to bed.

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