Well, this weekend was pretty damn good following a less than great week. Saturday consisted of haircuts, and playing with our cute niece. Then I left Chris at her sister’s house and went and saw Brent, Angie and Vincent. Took about 140ish pictures of Vince for them and hopefully a few turn out for them. We had some tasty dinner, enjoyed each other’s company and then I headed home.

I had to leave a key out for James as he crashed at my place after a friend’s bachelor party. We enjoyed breakfast at Mimi’s Cafe and met Amy there. Then ran by Market Street where we picked up some shrimp and caught a glimpse of a wind-blown skirt. Came home and watched a pretty good week of football. Started out REALLY bad, and I lost the games I was wanting wins out of the most but it ended up working out not too badly and I did not get too far behind in the overall standings.

Tonight I’m preparing to teach class tomorrow. All about Policy. Fun stuff.

Off to St. Paul on Tuesday and boy is it cold up there! Will be back later this week and hopefully I can stay on the warmer side of the Mason-Dixon until Mayish of next year

Early voting starts tomorrow! I’m going to get it over with and forget about it. I’m getting really tired of the bullshit, and hopefully things will be better on the other side of Nov 2. Well, 2 days after I’ll be getting another year down the road of life, but whatever.

Enjoy your week!

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