Review: The BlackRapid RS4 Camera Strap

rs4-06First off, I’m not being paid to post this. That said, you can probably guess where this is going.


Holy crap, if you are a photographer, this is a MUST HAVE accessory for your camera.

Camera straps are something that most of us don’t think about… until we are using them. For starters, most camera straps proudly announce both the camera make and model, screaming “STEAL ME” from your neck and shoulder. Specifically, the new 5D Mark II from Canon says this.

Note to Canon: I understand you are proud. I am a proud owner of that magnificent piece of machinery, but seriously, everyone hates those “My kid is an honor student” bumper stickers just like we hate advertising how much we spent on the electronics slung across our shoulders. Some of us even go as far as blacking out the model number imprinted on the body, and others use duct tape and other tricks to make their cameras look like beat up hunks of junk to deter theft.

I immediately threw that camera strap away and purchased a generic one, and hated it just like I have hated every other camera strap I have attached to a camera I have used. In the field, using a camera strap is awkward even if you are only carrying one camera. Do I put it around my neck and support the whole weight of my camera in a manner that would make my chiropractor disown me? Do I put it over my shoulder and risk it falling off? How do I grab that thing and get it up to my face so I can see through the … damn… viewfinder.. ARGH.

Screw that.

The R-Strap series from BlackRapid is GENIUS. Here’s a video demonstrating how it works.  This strap allows you to put the weight across your core, and you can pick the camera up off your hip for super quick shooting without adjusting anything.  It’s the basic Ronco “Set it and forget it!” mantra.  You get it situated on your body, and just shoot.

I found it to be very comfortable to wear, and walking around even at a brisk pace did not cause the camera to swing around.  I suppose running would be an interesting thing to watch, but I don’t feel like trying that out.

The best part about this strap?  It makes me want to carry my camera around!

Thank you BlackRapid for this fantastic product!

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