Back to solving problems

Well, we completed our last childbirth class last night. Now its practice time! We’ve been told that practicing at least 2 good contractions per night will help her become a natural. I just keep thinking Bill Cosby’s stand-up routine…

So we get back and I decide that I should finish working on a problem that I had spent the better part of yesterday on. We’ve got a wireless assessment coming up, and I wanted to really pull out all the stops. I got my GPS all ready to hook into Kismet, but alas, my craptop does not have a serial port! So now its battling with USB & Linux. Finally got that all fixed up (only took a FEW kernel recompiles) and I got all the components talking together. Of course as always, I got a little punchy and got USB working nicely, but oops, I removed PCMCIA support. A few swears and a kernel recompile later, I was rocking and/or rolling.

So I finally got to bed around 1am, and came back up here at 7ish to continue working. I’m getting close!!!

Anyway, time for a conference call… Superbowl is just over a week away!!

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