Month: December 2004

  • Merry Christmas ’04!

    Hey folks! Merry Christmas to all! I hope everyone is blessed this season.

  • Cold Update…

    Good gracious, its freaking cold out there Mr. Bigglesworth! We’ve accumulated about 2.5″ of snow so far, though most of it melts right away if you step in it. My car was pretty frozen when I went out there to make a quick FedEx run. Didn’t really want to start either. It started after about…

  • Arctic Blast 2004!

    Boy it sure showed up with a vengence! Its sleeting and snowing like a crazy lady over here. None is predicted to stick to roadways though thanks to very warm weather lately. I’ve been working on work, and also in the evenings working on my syllabus for the spring term. I had a GREAT template…

  • Almost done…

    Yep, getting closer and closer. Mowed the yard this weekend (damn this Rye grass. Its going to die very soon…) and I just realized I forgot to put out the trash. Dag-nabbit. Our alarm system was activated yesterday, and the smoke detectors showed they could wake us up in the middle of the night quite…

  • Getting there!

    Welp, its looking more and more like a home. Tomorrow, appliances get delivered and the are installed on Saturday. We are also heading to take some niece-related pictures on Saturday after haircuts, so it will be a tightly scheduled day. Once we get back, we are finishing the house. I’ll put up a very sad…

  • The nightmare is over!

    PHEW! We’re finally starting to get settled and the nightmare is over! The buyers of our house made some bad choices which caused things to be delayed. Here are a couple of those. Their realtor was Tom May of Remax. He just got his license back in August which was the first major problem. Secondly,…