The last straw?

So late last night (ok, so it was early this morning), Chris and I had finished watching Lost in Translation and Runaway Jury and we were headed upstairs for bed. I turned on the television in our bedroom and flipped over to HBO to see what late night flick might entertain us before sleepy time. Instead of seeing some great entertainment, I see a red screen that says “COMCAST, Reserved for future use.”


So I flip over to our other premium channels which I pay for every month. Starz and Encore… same thing.

So I call the 24hour customer service number on the bill (yep, I got someone). They tell me that now all the premium channels which I pay for are ONLY available on my digital receiver! And if I want those in any other room, I have to BUY a digital receiver for each room!??!?

Now, Comcast has been hiking rates and being a general problem over the past 2 years, but I have stayed with them–EVEN when it is now cheaper to get DirecTV in each of my rooms (with their own receiver). Well I think on Monday if they don’t want to be reasonable at all, its going to be time to cut the shackles of cable, and get the freedom of the Dish.

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