Month: July 2003

  • What? Where are you?

    Yeah. I’ve been lax. I’ve been photographing seniors all week, and did a photo shoot for USPCA magazine. Whew! On top of my normal work load and school, I’ve not had much time for anything. This weekend we are off to the lake to recharge, so I’ll catch you on the flip side. Check the…

  • gotta love those upgrades!

    Today seems to be one of those software upgrade days. Seems like the Apache update today was the last straw. Wouldn’t you like to be a pepper too?

  • Whew!

    A rather lazy sunday today. I spent the majority of my time working on school stuff and cleaning up after the party. Only 4 more weeks of school and I am done for this trimester. We get about a month break and then I’m back at it with 2 more classes. I am thinking an…

  • Happy Independence Day!

    Yes, I do realize that it is one day early, but somewhere out in the atlantic it is 12am Jul 4. I got some film developed from my new camera the other day and boy was I shocked. It was a full stop (sometimes more) underexposed! Well that CERTAINLY cant be a problem with the…